Collection: Cacao

Australian Ceremonial Cacao.

This Cacao has been blessed with the highest vibration and intention by the Ancestors of this land and Mother Cacao, so that you have the most beautiful heart connected experience. I humbly thank you for opening up your heart and stepping into your highest.

Ceremonial grade Cacao is a grade above the rest. Every other chocolate product that you will buy (and that includes raw organic powder) has had the cacao butter and fibres separated and many elements stripped from the product. Ceremonial Grade Cacao has had minimum tampering of the bean's integrity. The bean is lightly roasted (very important part of the process), de-shelled and ground with a stone grinder. Once it arrives to Australia from Peru, we have it melted at a low temperature of 46 degrees and moulded into heart shapes. The moulding process does not in any way alter the integrity and magic of the Cacao.

​Australia Ceremonial Cacao products are: 

  • Gluten-Free: Every product from our facility is certified gluten free.

  • Free of the 8 major allergens (declared by FDA): Free from milk, wheat, egg, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish.

  • Vegan: Vegan is not only dietary, it also avoids exploiting animals for any purpose.

  • NON-GMO: All the products are made with natural, pure, and high-quality ingredients, producing without any genetically modified organisms.

Kosher Parve: We have the first certified Kosher Parve Chocolate plant in South America. Parve means products that do not contain or are processed with dairy products.


The Cacao nut or bean is the most nutrition dense foods on the planet, it has the highest level of Magnesium in any natural food product. It is filled with so many other goodies such as: 

  • Theobromine which regulates blood pressure and improves blood flow, reducing the building of plaque on arterial walls and release the 'happy' chemicals in the brain.

  • Flavonoids which are an antioxidant that fights free radicals within the body, reducing the effects of aging and environmental damage.

  • Magnesium improves mental and physical health as well as relax tense muscles AND reduce inflammation in the body! (possibly why we women reach for chocolate during PMS!) 

  • Iron 

  • Phosphorous improves bone strength/ density.

  • Zinc for immune system and recovery.

  • Calcium,

  • Copper works with iron to absorb into the body/ produce red blood cells.

  • Manganese for bone strength

  • Potassium (reduce menstrual cramps, healthy skin)

  • Healthy fats from the Cacao butter

  • Vitamins E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B9,

  • Dietary fibres and the list goes on.